Ensuring the physical environment is safe and welcoming is the most effective way to enable people to use active travel. Cycle routes should be clearly signed, direct and include protected cycleways on main roads and quiet routes through low traffic neighbourhoods to allow people of all abilities to cycle across the borough. All streets should facilitate walking and cycling journeys through traffic reduction, greening and kerb space use benefiting active travel.
Accessible, wide, high quality pavements and safe, direct crossings make it a joy to walk to the local high street and for other short trips. All junctions should have dropped kerbs to make it easy for everyone to cross the street.
This network will unlock potential for sustainable cycle freight. It should also be accompanied with secure cycle parking with plenty for all residents at their homes and at their destinations.
Our Ask
We’re asking Southwark Council to roll out a high-quality cycle network by implementing the 2015 cycling strategy and to work with TfL to install protected cycleways on their roads. The council should ensure all streets are accessible with dropped kerbs and maintained pavements free of street clutter.
Read about Ask 3: School Streets at school run hours